May 24, 2007

A Teeny Tiny Tag

The Craftsman
Slowly he carves the smallest parts,
No tiny flow must spoil the whole.
He seeks perfection in his art
And God, perfection in his soul.
David Hope

Well I have never played this game before, so forgive me if I get this wrong.

I was tagged by Lana Manis of Honeysuckle Lane, her wonderful website and well worth a visit and her blog, always something interesting to read and beautiful pictures. The above verse could have been written for Lana.

I am to open the book nearest me to page 28 and type an excerpt from it. On my desk at the computor is "The Friendship Book" of Francis Gay, 1974. I picked this up at a junk shop. Its a sort of year journal, a thought for each day with some wonderful pictures, interesting bits about her life encounters and warming quotes. Page 28 is most appropriate as it to do with crafters and a story about a bee keeper. (had to count the pages as they are not numbered).

Thursday April 25
"I have often meant to pass on this story.
I heard it from the beekeeper himself -the late Austin Hyde, a Yorkshireman who in his day was greatly beloved. He had a genius for telling tales and a genius also for making heather honey.
Austin Hyde's bees roamed the North Yorkshire moors, and he once told me that about five miles from his hives he was driving along a familiar moorland road when a bee flew in at the window and settled on his right hand.
Had that happened to me, I should have shaken it off in no time. Not Austin Hyde! "Why, you see," he explained to me, I kind of felt it was one of my bees; and as it was nearing sundown, I rather thought it was tired of collecting nectar, so, as it had thumbed a lift, I kept on driving till I pulled up at the hives, and in a minute I was out of the car, that bee went straight to one of the hives after a hummed thank you."
A charming story, surely?
But about that bee that "thumbed a lift"?
Did it recognise Austin, do you think? Or am I just being silly?

Now I have to tag two of you.
Pipberry Prims -I love her back to basic stories.
Carole's Country Store Blog -always such beautiful pictures to see and stories to read.
Thank you Lana, I enjoyed this.


Lana Manis said...

You're very welcome Lynda ~ and thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed doing this!
Take Care & God Bless,

Monica said...

Thanks for the tag Lynda, it was fun! Monica